Drastic improvement shown after switching to Dr. Tim’s

“I am currently witnessing a drastic improvement in two gun dogs that I presently condition for clients during this off season. Both dogs are versatile hunters. Both hunt waterfowl and upland and are owned by hardcore, old school style foot hunters who work their dogs during the season 3-4 days a week at 4-6 hours per hunt. Most days these dogs hunt both ducks in the morning and pheasant or grouse in the afternoon. Both dogs are 3 and 4 year olds respectively. Both were switched to Dr. Tim’s from another high performance food(nationally known brand) four months ago by their owners. Over the past three months that I have been coaching their off season conditioning program (roading, running, swimming, etc) both dogs have shown drastic improvements. Their escalating field performance and increased stamina levels are clearly evident. Most importantly, their recovery time has improved dramatically. After seeing such noticeable progression in these dogs I switched my own pointer(Dewey) to Dr. Tim’s Momentum two months ago. Already, I have witnessed an improvement in his lean muscle mass while maintaining his ideal working weight of 62-65lbs. Dewey has always been a hard charging pointer but while on Dr. Tim’s(in this short amount of time) his field stamina has been incredibly consistent and his recovery time is the best I have ever seen! Thank you Dr. Tim for making such a high quality, true performance food! There is now doubt Dr. Tim’s food will always be my first choice!”
